If you have an older relative or friend, then you may already be aware of the signs they could be experiencing the holiday blues. The holidays can be difficult for many people, but older individuals may have lost many loved ones or family members live too far away to visit over the holiday season making them feel lonely. However, there are some ways friends and family members of elderly loved ones can help combat depression and the holiday blues.
Know The Common Signs of Depression in Seniors
Knowing the common signs of depression and being aware can help you combat the problem and make changes so your senior loved one can feel more uplifted during the holidays. The signs of depression in an older individual can include:
Withdrawal from others
Lack of appetite
Wanting to sleep longer
How Family Members and Caregivers Can Help
Finding ways to keep a senior busy with enjoyable activities such as going to holiday plays, crafting, listening to holiday music and decorating can lift their spirits.
Some elderly individuals find it difficult to drive a vehicle during the inclement weather throughout the holidays or some may not drive at all. You can offer your senior friend a ride to activities in the community to help him or her feel happier as well as a sense of purpose.
Checking in With a Health Care Professional
While a senior might seem depressed, it is also possible to have other health issues that mimic the symptoms of the holiday blues. With a checkup from a physician, you can determine if an elderly individual has a dementia condition or thyroid abnormalities. Many medical conditions can affect an individual’s mood, leading to chronic sadness. A physician can also analyze a patient’s medications to determine if the mixture of chemicals can alter an individual’s emotions. Some medications could have side effects that cause depression, so consult with your elderly loved one’s physician to see if there can be an alternative without these side effects.
The Arbors Assisted Living offers a safe and comfortable place for seniors to live in a community that has a variety of activities to prevent boredom and loneliness. In addition to participating in craft classes, seniors can go on outings to an assortment of fun locations. Keeping busy and socializing with others can prevent the holiday blues that can lead to long-term depression. If your older loved is finding it challenging to live alone, Contact The Arbors Assisted Living today to learn more about how we can help.