• Visitors will be permitted with a scheduled appointment only. Appointments will be taken
by the front desk receptionist
• Visitors will fill out a questionnaire and get temperature taken at the front door
• 2 family members per resident and no more than 20 total visitors at one time
• All visitors should be 16 years of age or older, or accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or
• Visits will be limited to 30 minutes to allow for all residents to enjoy company
• No more than 2 visits per week to allow for all residents to receive visitors
• Visitors will be directed to a designated outdoor (weather permitting) location by a staff
member and will maintain the required 6 foot social distancing throughout the visit. In
In situations where there is inclement weather, the Executive Director will accommodate
visitation in a designated indoor area.
• Visiting hours are as follows: Sunday – Saturday 10am-8pm
• Visitors must wear a mask at all times
**All of the above are subject to change at the discretion of the operator and in accordance with any new local or state guidance provided by NYS Department of Health. Visitation can also be halted at any time if conditions change at the community and they no longer meet Department of Health criteria to maintain visitation. Eblast notifications will be sent out with updates as needed and/or as changes occur.