Senior Safety Tips
During the colder months, elderly seniors can be more vulnerable to many different hazards. From slips and falls to preparing for power outages, here are three ways you can keep them safe and sound!
1. Test Carbon Dioxide Detectors
If your elderly loved one uses a gas heater or fireplace, ensuring the carbon monoxide detector is in proper working order can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Most detectors have a simple test button that you can press, which makes it easy to ensure the safety of your loved ones in a snap.
2. Plan for Power Outages
Winter storms are notorious for causing power outages. Stock up on the following to ensure your elderly loved one is prepared for an emergency:
- Blankets
- Necessary prescriptions
- Medical equipment and supplies
- Garbage bags
- Easy to open canned goods
- Cell phone chargers and backup batteries
- Water (at least a three day supply)
- Moist towelettes
- Hand sanitizers
- Battery power or hand-cranked radio
3. Avoid Slips and Falls
Ice and snow can be a slip and fall problem for elderly seniors. Be sure to keep walkways clear of ice and snow for when your elderly loved one needs to leave the house. Also, make sure they wear proper footwear with good traction for walking on snow. It’s essential to keep any obstacles out of their way as they are walking outside. Store away shovels and other apparatus used to clear snow.
The Arbors Assisted Living is a community that encourages family members and other caretakers to practice safety precautions for their elderly loved ones. Contact us for more information on how we can help assist you with the care of your elderly loved one.