When an unexpected life event occurs, like the death of a loved one, each person will grieve in their own way. There’s no correct or incorrect way to grieve, but there are things you should avoid doing. Certain behaviors and actions can prevent you from making sense of this loss, which will make it even more difficult to handle.
Drinking Away the Pain
There are going to be many people that will grab themselves a drink when they begin the grieving process. This should be avoided as much as possible due to the “numbing of feelings” that alcohol can provide. When a person intentionally tries to avoid their feelings, they are actually putting the grieving process on hold. Once sober, you will begin feeling as you did right before that first drink. The idea is to make sense of your feelings and move forward as much as you can.
Alienating Yourself
Keeping all of your feelings bottled up inside of you and refusing to talk about them can lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The last thing you want to do is sit alone in your room for weeks on end. Being able to talk out loud to someone else about your loss can help you make sense of the situation. Doing this as much as you can via a support group, therapist, or close loved one can help you heal and begin to accept the loss.
Taking It Out on Yourself
As soon as you learn of a loss, it’s okay for you to not want to continue your daily routine for a day or two. However, you don’t want to give up on all of your daily activities like eating regularly, bathing, sleeping, etc. While you might not have an appetite or feel tired, try to eat a little here and there, lay down every so often to rest, and of course — bathe. For all of the other things in your life, know you can always get them done tomorrow. But don’t let “survivor’s guilt” take you away from living your life.
Every person grieves differently (and that’s okay), just don’t fall into negative habits that can make it that much tougher to move forward. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
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