One of the most important things you can do each day is making sure your body is getting enough water. It can seem difficult to consume the suggested 64 fluid ounces or more per day, but it’s quite easy with the right game plan! Don’t make drinking water a chore, just adopt small habits throughout the day.
- Improve the Taste – Drinking plain water might not be the most appetizing, but you can easily improve its taste. Add fruits or vegetables like lemons, cucumbers, oranges, etc. to bring your water’s taste to life!
- Big Bottle – Carrying a small water bottle around won’t help you reach your daily goal if there’s no opportunity to refill it. Instead, opt to carry around a large water bottle that doesn’t need to be refilled, or might need to be just once.
- New Bottles – Drinking water out of the same bottle can be discouraging to some people. They’ll see the same bottle each day and forget that it’s even there after a while. Buy a new water bottle every so often to stay motivated; one with a kooky color, shape, or pattern!
- Exercise – When you exercise, drinking water is a necessity. If you find yourself not being thirsty throughout the day, go for a walk or take an exercise class. You’ll find that your body will be craving water, so drinking more won’t seem like such a chore.
- Water-Rich Foods – It’s possible to hydrate more without drinking an excessive amount of water. While you still need to drink your water throughout the day, supplement that by eating foods like cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, spinach, watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, etc.
Drinking water throughout the day is super important for your health, so it’s important to find ways to meet your daily goals. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West