What if having fun could decrease your chances of developing memory problems? It sounds too good to be true, but by socializing, using the computer, and playing games you are improving your brain health. Start up that computer and break out those playing cards because it’s time to have some fun!
Come Together
Communicating with others is an important prevention method for memory loss diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. If you’re not one to randomly strike up conversations you can always use an activity as a way to socialize. Shuffle up some playing cards and get a poker game going, start a book club, or create some arts and crafts with a group of people. This will give you something to talk about if you’re at a loss for words every time you try to talk with someone.
Surf the Web
According to the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, those who were 70 and older that used a computer at least once per week were 42 percent less likely to develop memory and thinking problems. Using the computer helps keep your mind active and is essentially exercising your brain as you navigate through the cyber world. Social media websites are a great way to find and communicate with others that have similar interests as you.
Added Benefits
It is worthy to note that staying mentally and socially active does not reverse any memory loss effects. Instead, these activities help protect one’s current memory state. Living a social lifestyle like this will also help combat depression. Not only will you be a happier person, but you will also start to see a decrease in your blood pressure levels. Being happy and staying relaxed is the easiest way to improve the health of your brain and body.
There’s no reason to not be socially and mentally active so it’s important to put yourself out there and engage with others. In the communities at The Arbors we encourage socializing with others through our long list of daily activities that are available to all! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West