Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, can be an inevitable disease for those with diabetes who don’t keep their blood sugar levels in check. However, you can avoid developing hyperglycemia if you know the common symptoms of high blood sugar.
- Cotton Mouth – When you have diabetes and your blood sugar is high, your kidneys won’t be able to filter out glucose. This will lead to dehydration, which can seriously damage your body over time. If you’ve got cotton mouth, start drinking water in spaced out increments for the next few hours.
- Frequent Urination – High blood sugar causes excess fluid in your body to be directed toward the kidneys. Your kidneys will kick it into high gear in order to filter blood and produce increased amounts of urine. If you notice that your urine output might be more than the amount you’ve been drinking, check your blood sugar levels.
- Blurred Vision – Those diagnosed with diabetes are recommended to visit with the eye doctor more frequently than those who do not have diabetes. This is because high blood sugar levels cause your eye lenses to swell. Failing to keep your blood sugar at a reasonable level can cause permanent eye damage over time.
- Slow Healing Bruises – Having a bruise on your body that doesn’t want to heal is another common symptom of increased blood sugar. Your arteries stiffen and blood flow decreases which does not reach the bruise as fast as it normally would. Therefore, the bruise will receive less oxygen and nutrients during the healing process.
- Lethargy – The body will waste glucose if your blood sugar levels are too high. This wasted glucose is what normally powers your body throughout the day. When you feel lethargic and lazy, reach for an ice cold water and a snack; preferably yogurt, almonds, or something with pure honey.
You’re not going to be checking your blood sugar levels every hour of the day, so be aware of these common symptoms. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
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