Dementia and Alzheimer’s are two memory loss diseases that are hard to prevent due to unknown contributing factors. While most people think that brain teasers like crossword puzzles help fight against these diseases from developing, it is not proven. However, regular physical activity is looking to be a more promising way to lower the risk of developing such diseases.
Positive Correlation
Within the last few years, many scientists have discovered that exercise and brainpower are positively correlated. First off, regular exercise will help keep a person’s muscles strong, their blood vessels flexible, and most importantly — stress levels low. As a result, new brain neurons are created, mental abilities are enhanced, and the risk of brain shrinkage decreases.
Keep a Big Brain
The average senior citizen will experience a shrinkage in their hippocampus — an area of the brain that is associated with memory. When seniors participate in exercise at least three times per week for roughly an hour a day, this area of the brain can actually increase in size over time. While exercise is often praised for promoting a healthy heart, it should be noted that it also promotes a healthy brain.
Preventing Dementia
Many tests have been done to try and prove that regular exercise will help prevent dementia. Recent studies have shown, the average person 65 and older that exercises regularly will have a 50 percent reduced risk of developing a memory loss disease. Therefore, everyone (no matter your age or gender) should participate in daily exercise to improve the health of your brain and reduce the risk of memory loss.
Staying active is something everyone should do for the health of your heart AND brain. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West