Do you have an older friend or family member that has recently become more quiet, visibly upset, or distant? Your loved one may be experiencing feelings of loneliness. In order to help this person not feel like they’re alone, make sure you:
Always Communicate
Have you ever gone the entire day without speaking to a single soul? Days like this can feel extremely lonely, and unfortunately, many seniors can experience this frequently depending on their mobility and living situation. Therefore, take some time each day (or a larger amount of time each week) and visit, call, video chat (or however you’d like) with your elder loved ones. Doing this (and asking other family members and friends to do the same) can really make a difference!
Try Something New
Doing the same things day in and day out can become boring — for anyone. Ask your loved one if there’s anything they’ve always wanted to try, or something they used to enjoy when they were younger. By trying something new (or revisiting the past), new and joyous times can be had by everyone participating. Whether it’s a hobby (like painting) or joining a club (like a book club), you both can have fun while also meeting others who enjoy this same activity.
Consult With Their Physician
Feelings of loneliness can sometimes be indicative of depression. For those who might be worried about their loved ones mental health, consult with their physician to discuss this in more detail. Doctors will be able to recommend ways to combat depression while also pointing you in the right direction of who to talk to next.
Loneliness can be a problem among many seniors, but there are ways you can help your loved one from feeling this way. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West