While caring for an elderly loved one presents many challenges, you do it because you care about their health and well-being. Besides the everyday stresses that come along with being a caregiver, the holiday season can add more to your regular schedule — and caregiver burnout may rear its ugly head.
Here are some tips to reduce stress so you and your elderly loved one can enjoy the holiday season together!
It’s OK to Say No
From baking treats to hosting and attending parties, you may be asked to lend a hand in holiday tasks. Although you want to help out and participate in your office cookie exchange, you may have to opt out if it’s going to add more to your plate. Saying no doesn’t mean you are selfish or unkind, so don’t feel guilty when you have to decline. Set up your holiday priorities on what you need to get done for you and the person you are caring for first. If the extra things fit into your holiday schedule and it’s something fun that you want to do, then go for it!
Ask for Help
We all can’t be superheroes! Asking for help does not mean that you are inadequate in caring for your loved one. Perhaps enlist a friend or family member to stay with your elderly loved one for a few hours so you can get some holiday shopping accomplished. If you know someone who enjoys cooking and can assist with holiday meal prepping or a neighbor who can help out with grocery shopping, don’t be hesitant to ask. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that people genuinely want to help.
Make Time for Yourself
You are probably so used to caring for others that you forget about your own care. If you’ve stopped doing the things you enjoy, now is the best time to start. Create some downtime to read or listen to an audiobook. Visiting with friends or even watching a holiday movie with your elderly loved one can also be relaxing too. Here are some other things you can do:
- Take a bubble bath
- Meditate
- Make time for a massage
- Exercise at home or go to the gym
- Stretch
- Take a walk
Giving your loved one around the clock care can be taxing both physically and mentally, but you want the best for those you love. If you are experiencing caregiver burnout this season and need assistance with caring for your aging parent or loved one, The Arbors Assisted Living can help. Contact us to learn more.