The act of taking care of another person can be tiring and stressful. Parents of young children understand this, but there’s another group of individuals that will also experience this stressful lifestyle — caregivers. As a caregiver, you need to find ways to manage your stress levels in order for you to be happy, so you can then properly take care of your loved one.
Breathe Deeply
Walk into a quiet room and pop a squat onto a chair, a bed, or even the floor (if it’s clean and comfortable enough). Close your eyes and take a few minutes for yourself to simply breathe in and out slowly. Focusing on nothing but your deep breaths and the ‘here and now’ will allow you to relax — even if it’s only for a small portion of your day.
Go For A Walk
If you’re not the type of person to sit in a room with your eyes closed, then get up and get moving! Head outside for a quick walk to take your mind off of your present troubles and onto the scenery around you. However, you want to concentrate on your senses (as you would if you were meditating in a room). Pay attention to the sounds, smells, and scenery throughout your walk. Think of this as a form of walking meditation!
Lose Yourself In Your Hobby
Whether you’re a self-proclaimed artist, musician, or just have a hobby you love to do — partake in your favorite activity when you’re starting to feel stressed out. Let your creativity take over or immerse yourself in something that gives you nothing but joy! By doing something you love, you’ll be able to feel refreshed and ready to take on the responsibilities of caregiving with a happy and loving attitude!
Caregiving can be a tough job to handle, but there are always things to do to keep you from becoming overly stressed. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West