December was nothing short of merry and bright! Take a look at some of our favorite moments!
Some of the residents took a trip to one of the most festive Diners on Long Island! The Oconee Diner in Islip had our resident enjoying the holiday decorations!

Our residents from all five of our communities came together for a wonderful Christmas event to present 2,000 letters to Santa to Make-A-Wish Suffolk County, NY. The residents enjoyed an afternoon of music, pictures with Santa, dancing, and fun with friends while giving back to our community. Truly an inspiration for this beautiful season!

We had more to celebrate than just the holidays! We helped to our beautiful Virginia celbrate her 103rd birthday! A gathering of her family, friends, and our Grand-friends from Pines Elementary School were happy to spend her “birth week” with her! Throughout the week we showered Virginia with love. Amazed at her long healthy life Virginia simply states that, “God has blessed me!”