Ongoing research is being done to discover ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia and slowing down its progress. Brain games have been the subject of many of those studies, and some encouraging results have been found.
Slow Memory Loss
Studies show that people who exercise their brain regularly suffer less memory loss. Your brain is a muscle, just like a bicep or hamstring. If you don’t exercise it, the muscle atrophies. However, regular exercise has been shown to keep the brain muscle strong even into the senior years.
The Right Games
It’s important that people use the right brain games to aid in memory retention. For instance, people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s suffer from short-term memory loss. Games that challenge this area of the brain are more effective. For this reason, you’ll find many assisted living communities hosting game night where residents play cards or Bingo as well as other favorites.
The games must challenge the mind, but they can be either online games or traditional board or card games. It can be more difficult for older people to learn new things, but it doesn’t mean they can’t master a game they have never played before.
Types of Dementia
This word is a general term for various types of memory loss. Brain games will be more effective for some types of the condition than for others. Some studies have shown that they may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s, one of the most well-known of dementia diagnoses. While it doesn’t prevent the disease or even stop it once symptoms begin, it can give the person several more good years before they experience the decline.
When looking for assisted living communities for your loved one, consider those that have programs to keep residents engaged. It will help them stay active and prevent the mental decline that is often associated with the aging process. Contact us today to learn more about our assisted living communities on Long Island.