Alzheimer’s is a terrible memory loss disease that still has many questions unanswered about it. There is little known about how a person can develop this disease, but there are many theories. However, there is a study that shows how a simple diet can reduce your risk of developing this disease.
The MIND Diet
For over four and a half years, researchers at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago have developed and tested a diet that has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Roughly 1,000 people were tested and the results were astounding. Those who strictly followed the diet saw a 53 percent risk reduction, while those who moderately followed the diet saw a 35 percent risk reduction.
- Cut out foods high in saturated fats and calories, but low in nutritional value.
- Increase consumption of foods with nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin B, omega-3s.
Indulge in…
- One serving of leafy green veggies per day
- One serving of a second vegetable per day
- Three or more servings of whole grains per day
- One serving of beans at least every other day
- Two or more servings of berries per week
- Two or more servings of poultry per week
- One serving of non-fried fish per week
- One glass of wine per day (Optional)
- Replace butter with extra-virgin olive oil
Cut Down to…
- Less than one tablespoon of butter per day
- Less than one serving of fried food per week
- Less than one serving of cheese per week
- Less than four servings of red meat per week
- Less than five servings of sweets per week
Following this heavily studied diet has shown significant reductions in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. For other useful tips and information, visit our blog! If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West