We realize many older adults have numerous issues regarding their oral health. Approximately 75 percent of all seniors do not have all their natural teeth. Some of these issues have been caused by infections and periodontal disease.
Brushing and Flossing
A major problem is simply brushing and flossing. When seniors do not brush and floss every single day we see a lot of problems. This impacts their overall health and increases the risk of both heart disease and diabetes. We believe being proactive regarding an individual brushing their teeth is critical and helps prevent many oral conditions. Flossing regularly enables a senior to clean the areas between the teeth the toothbrush is unable to reach. If traditional flossing is too hard we recommend a water flosser.
Nutritious Foods
We feel nutritious eating is incredibly important for proper hygiene. When a diet is balanced with whole grains, lean protein, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and fruits it helps maintain good oral health by supplying the proper nutrients. Certain foods are not only good for the teeth but they promote strong bones. This includes foods high in calcium such as almonds, salmon and fat-free milk. We believe all seniors should be encouraged to eat more nutritious foods and less snacks with a lot of sugar.
Avoiding Tobacco and Alcohol
Periodontal diseases develop in smokers seven times more often than non-smokers. This also places people at risk for throat and oral cancers, infections and oral fungal infections. We want all seniors to be encouraged to stay away from tobacco. Oral cancer is developed six times more frequently by seniors who consume alcohol. Alcohol contains a lot of sugar and additionally damages teeth and causes cavities. We want to limit oral health issues in our community and believe alcohol is for the occasional celebration and not a daily activity.
The dental hygiene of your loved one is extremely important and they should see a dentist regularly. When any assistance is required please contact The Arbors for Assisted Living as soon as possible to ensure your loved one receives all the care and attention necessary.