Did you know that 1 out of every 3 adults has high blood pressure? Or that another third has pre-hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With almost two-thirds of the country affected by some form of high blood pressure, everyone should know about their blood pressure and how it affects you.
- Watch the Top Number – Once you go over the hump at age 50, you must pay closer attention to your systolic pressure (the top number.) Systolic pressure is the peak force your body experiences with each heartbeat as blood is pumped throughout the body. The kidneys, brain, eyes, and blood vessels can become damaged with a high systolic pressure.
- Different Pressure for Different People – A younger person with a low risk for cardiovascular disease can live with a higher systolic pressure than a 65-year-oldd could. Acceptable pressure levels can also be relative to each person. An older individual with high blood pressure could have an acceptable systolic pressure of 140; opting not to take additional medicine for health reasons.
- Focus on Your Health – There are many different types of medicine that you can take to lower your blood pressure. However, anyone with high blood pressure should jump into a healthy lifestyle immediately. Exercising, eating right, and focusing on losing weight can work just as well, if not better than a pressure pill.
- Put Down the Salt – Sodium levels must be monitored throughout your life, but even more as you get older. No person should consume more than 1,500mg of sodium per day. Watch how much salt you add to your meals AND check the labels of the food you buy. Canned and packaged foods alway have a higher sodium content for preservation reasons.
- Constant Monitoring – So you’ve started exercising, eating right, and have been taking your pressure medicine. Perfect — but don’t stop once your pressure levels lower. Going back to old habits and forgetting to take your medication can result in the rise of your pressure levels again. Keep up with your healthy lifestyle, take your medications and remember to have them adjusted as you age.
It’s important to know about your blood pressure and how it can affect you, otherwise, you run the risk of developing other conditions or diseases. At The Arbors communities, we offer on-site physicians, medication management, exercise classes, and meals with health in mind to keep blood pressure levels at a healthy level. If you’re interested in learning more, or visiting The Arbors Assisted Living community, schedule a tour by contacting one of our five convenient locations:
Islandia East
Islandia West