When it comes to deciding on whether or not assisted living is the right choice for your elderly parent, you probably have a lot of questions. You only want the best for your loved one, so knowing what to expect from an assisted living community can help you make the right dec. Here are the answers to some of the top questions that children of elderly parents want to know:
How Do I Know When It’s Time for Assisted Living?
Certain tell-tale signs could indicate it may be time to consider an assisted living community for your elderly parent. If your parent has memory issues, personality changes, or displaying withdrawn behaviors, it may be time to enlist the help of an assisted living community. An assisted living can offer activities that can help them regain social skills, as well as interact with other residents.
How Do I Break the News To My Senior Loved One?
Communication with your elderly loved one is key to helping them understand the changes to their living arrangements. It’s critical to help your elderly parent realize that they won’t lose their independence just because they will be living in an assisted living community. Take them on a tour of the assisted living community in which they will be living. Show them all the amenities that they will have access to, as well as the many specialty programs and entertainment.
How Can I Deal With Having Guilt?
It’s normal to feel a sense of guilt when moving your parent into an assisted living community, especially when you’ve been caring for your elderly loved one in your home. Just remind yourself that you took careful consideration in making the best choice for your parent’s well-being. One of the best ways you can deal with guilt is to visit your elderly loved one as often as you can. Encourage your parent to communicate with you about how they are adjusting to assisted living life. You may be pleasantly surprised at the answer you get!
Adjusting to an assisted living community can be stressful for both an elderly adult and their children. However, asking questions to get as much information as possible can help you make the right choice. For more information on how The Arbors Assisted Living can help your elderly loved one, contact us to schedule a tour at one of our five convenient locations today!